Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why blog?

I have been thinking about this blogging thing and it occurred to me that this will really be more of a personal thoughts and musings type of deal, since I don't know how people will ever know I am here, much less stumble upon the page to ever read it. I don't really know that many people and don't have just a ton of friends, so this whole thing seems pretty pointless except that maybe it will be therapeutic for me to write out my thoughts about whatever I am feeling like writing for that particular moment.
I used to write quite a lot. Especially after my husband, Jerry, died. I spent many hours writing out my feelings and thoughts and then I would give them to a dear friend to read. That person did not start out as a close friend. Just an acquaintance that developed into the best friend I could ever imagine. My feelings were never judged, but sometimes it would get me to open up a bit so that I was finally able to accept Jerry's death. It took a long time. A few years ago, my friend and his family moved to another state and as a gift, he gave me the entire folder of letters I had written. It will be good to have as a journal as I get older. I don't know if and when I will ever be able to read those writings, but it's good to know I have them.
So, the question about blogging. Is it really worthwhile? Maybe. I will give it a shot for awhile and see how it goes. Maybe something interesting will happen in my life and someday someone will find this blog and think it was worth reading. Who knows?

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