Saturday, April 3, 2010

I have decided that I am not a very good blogger. I never find myself updating anything at all. I love to go and look at other people's blogs and see what fun they are having! I love to read about the wonderful trips they are taking or what great adventures their family has had. I never think that I have much to say that sounds interesting, so...

Right now, I am consumed with work. We are short staffed and it seems I have been pulled in so many different directions, that I cannot get myself organized. I just can't work if I can't get organized! On top of all of the mess, one of the women called in sick on Friday, or at least she said her child was sick. Not so, we found out that she just decided to go fishing! Unbelievable! I feel like I am floundering and will never catch up. I have also discovered that any extra work that any of us do, the office manager is taking credit for it and receiving bonuses for all of "his" hard work!! Fair? I think not. I can't say anything, because I have been told that I must be especially nice to this man, no matter what. I must be nauseatingly sweet to everyone and sugarcoat everything I say. This is hard when I know that an insurance will not pay for something, but I am not supposed to say that. I have to let them believe that everything is fine and then patients call me, angry as a hornet, when they discover that the $2000 test is not covered! If it were me, I would rather know ahead of time, so I could make an informed decision. Sometimes I think that the doctors wish to appear as "saviors" to the patients and do not want them to think that sometimes the answer is NO.

Well, enough of that. I am going to try and enjoy conference weekend and Easter Sunday and not think about the chaos too much.